Happy Birthday to Addy Abell from the Highland Softball family!

If you or your child is interested in joining the 2025 Junior High football and/or competition cheer squads, we are accepting video submissions until end of day Friday the 15th. Please contact Jackie Jett at jjett@lewis.k12.mo.us for sideline and hdavis@lewis.k12.mo.us for competition.

Preschool screenings are coming April 14-16. Visit the following link for more information. bit.ly/421mXZU

The LCC1 Board of Education will conduct their regular monthly business meeting tomorrow night (3/12/25) at 5:30pm, with Open Session beginning at 6pm. The full agenda can be viewed here: https://bit.ly/43CW6Va

Highland High School History Club took their annual field trip to Jefferson City. We visited the Missouri State Penitentiary (fan favorite) and the Museum of MO Military History. We learned a lot and had a great time! As usual, these young people represented HHS very well!

Tickets are officially on sale for Highland Drama Club's production of Shrek the Musical Jr. running March 28-30 at Lewis Street Playhouse in Canton!
Reserve your tickets today at https://our.show/highlandshrek before they sell out!
#cougarsonstage #shrekthemusical

Happy Birthday to Coach Darron Jarvis from the Highland Softball Family!

This group of 8th graders competed in the regional National History Day and were advanced on to the state competition in April!
This year's NHD theme is Rights and Responsibilities. Projects had to be centered around topics that addressed both a right and a responsibility. The judges were very pleased with their topic choices! Way to go young scholars!
C. Eaton- Selma Marches
M.Rockhold & Alayna Logsdon- Barbie
A. Fish, A. Smith, and E. Vaughn - Elizabeth Kenny
C. Brinkley & A. Scifres- Munich Olympics
E. Frieden & L. Frieden- Righteous Among Nations, Oskar Schindler

Congrats to our Highland Boys Basketball players, Briscoe Post and Lane Hinton for making the CCC All-Conference.

These FBLA students will be recognized in April at the FBLA State Leadership Conference in Springfield for completing the Community and/or Service levels of the Community Service Awards. To be recognized they had to complete 50-200 hours of community service.

Congratulations to our Grand Prize Treasure Chest winner - Carter. The Book Blast is going strong as we approach these last few days of the event. It’s not too late to complete your Treasure Map, earn your prizes, and help your child’s teacher earn a shopping spree to purchase books and supplies for the classroom! When 60% of the classroom students register and invite 10+ friends and family members, that teacher will earn a $100 classroom shopping spree. If ALL the classroom students invite 10+ friends and family members, the teacher will earn a $200 classroom shopping spree. Visit https://app.booksarefun.com/HighlandES63452 to participate!
#booksarefun #bookblast #bookblastadventures #giveliteracy #kids #read

Please watch the attached video: https://bit.ly/3F9mNGS & then use the following link to RSVP to attend Highland’s Portrait of a Graduate Community meeting and FREE Spaghetti Supper on 3/19 @ 6pm in the HHS Commons: https://bit.ly/43p5viY

Bailie Crist received her CNA pin from John Wood Community College. She also received a perfect attendance award while attending the 8 week program.

Junior High Cheer Tryouts will be March 10th from 3:30-5:30 in the High School gym. Please sign up. For 7th grade going into 8th grade sign up is in the office. For 6th grade going into 7th grade sign up is on Mrs. Morlang's door.

Highland will be closed today due to the forecast for high winds and snow. It will be a traditional snow day with no Votech.

Power up! Our 3rd Book Blast Treasure Chest winner is Greyson (picture unavailable as he was absent today)! Congratulations!
Did you know that Book Blast contributions help ensure all our students receive books? After your student earns all 10 books from the book list, additional contributions help provide more books for all our students, classrooms, and the library. Your involvement makes a world of difference!
#booksarefun #literacy #bookblastadventures #readingrules

Happy Birthday to Coach Peggy Steinbeck from the Highland Softball Family!

Congratulations, Oliver, for being our 3rd Book Blast Treasure Chest winner! Way to go! There is still time to win a Treasure Chest by inviting 10+ family members or friends: . Let’s keep up the momentum to help build our students’ home libraries!
If you’d like to support our school and help all our students have access to more books, please donate here: . https://tinyurl.com/HighlandES63452CommLink
Your support truly makes a world of difference in their education!
#GiveLiteracy #BookBlast #bookblastadventures @go.booksarefun #goread #lovebooks

Dear Highland Elementary School Families!
Our Book Blast event has just a few days left, and the response we’ve had is AMAZING. Thank You!
Already registered? Ensure you have sent at least 10 invitations, so your student qualifies for their prizes and are entered into our drawings!
Not registered? There’s still time to get in on the fun, earn books for your student, and have a chance to win a Treasure Chest stuffed with cash. Click the secure link above and invite at least 10 people who you think would want to help build your student(s) home library.
Remember, 100% of all contributions stay with the school in the form of books for our students, books for our school, and classroom supplies for our teachers.
Thank you,,
Jeff Oenning, HES Librarian

Parents of students in grades 7-12- The Child Advocacy Center of Northeast Missouri will be presenting a Sexual Abuse Awareness program at HHS on April 8th. If you choose to opt your child out of this presentation, please check your email for the opt-out form. Sign it and return it with your child to the office or email nwiskirchen@lewis.k12.mo.us or sadam@lewis.k12.mo.us . Slips only need completed if you wish your child NOT attend this presentation. Thank you!