Invitation to Portrait of a Graduate Community Meeting
To: Highland Cougar Community Members
Subject: Would you join us in creating our district’s Portrait of a Graduate?
Highland Cougar Community,
We are actively engaging our community in developing a Portrait of a Graduate, a collective vision that articulates our aspirations for every student in the Lewis County C-1 School District. Our Portrait of a Graduate will serve as a North Star for our schools, bringing our community together with a shared vision.
You are a valued member of our community, and we need your voice and perspective. The Portrait Design Team invites you to join our Community Meeting on Wednesday 3/19/25 at 6pm to share input and inform our Portrait of a Graduate.
Over the next few months, the Portrait Design Team will explore the following questions:
· What are the hopes, dreams, and aspirations that our community has for our young people?
· What are the skills and mindsets that our children need for success in this rapidly changing and complex world?
· What are the implications for the design of the learning experiences—and equitable access to those experiences—we provide in our school systems?
Save the date! Our Portrait Design Team will be seeking the input and feedback of our community at a special community meeting that includes a Board-provided Free Spaghetti meal followed by a meeting to help inform and design the Portrait of a Graduate for Highland:
Community Meeting: March 19, 2025 @ 6pm
We want our Portrait of a Graduate to be locally developed and globally positioned. We hope that you’ll bring your unique perspective to this collaborative process. Our shared aspiration is that all of our students have an educational experience that prepares them with the knowledge, skills and dispositions to be lifelong learners and contributors today and tomorrow.
Will you join our Portrait Design Team? Please RSVP using this link to let us know if you can attend the meeting and help lead this exciting work. Don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.